Imagine walking by a construction site and asking one of the workers, "Hey, what are you guys building? A worker replies, "I have no idea."
I bet you've never heard such a thing because starting to build something without a plan would be pretty silly.
But did you ever consider that it's every bit as silly to set foot in a gym, go grocery shopping, or even sit down at the dinner table without a goal and written blueprint for your nutrition and training?
I once heard a quote from motivational speaker Jim Rohn that changed my thinking forever, He said, "Never start your day until you finish it." At first it sounded like a riddle - you know, like one of those Japanese Koans.
How are you supposed to finish your day before you start it? Then the lightbulb went on and I realized that he was talking about planning before acting.
Action without planning is one of the biggest causes of failure, in every domain of life.
Planning takes serious thought and effort. It requires quiet, focused time with a pen and paper or computer, sometimes with a coach or partner.
Whether the goal is building a skyscraper, building a business, or building your body, planning is vital for success.
Better results and more efficient use of time aren't the only benefits. Feeling unprepared or aimless creates anxiety and stress. That makes planning and preparation a superb stress reducer and confidence builder.
This is why, if you are serious about success and reaching your goals, you must start every day, week, month and year on paper. Always work from a list, plan or schedule.
You need both a training plan and a nutrition plan, but if your primary goal is fat loss, then the nutrition plan is the number one priority. No matter how much you train, you can't lose fat if you aren't controlling your food intake (so you have a calorie deficit).
Action without planning is one of the biggest causes of failure, in every domain of life.
When it comes to your training, a written schedule on paper is the most powerful tool you will ever have. Creating a training calendar with the exact days and times you will train and posting it where you can see it every day will skyrocket your motivation and adherence. This has been proven in over a hundred psychology studies.
You need both a training plan and a nutrition plan, but if your primary goal is fat loss, then the nutrition plan is the number one priority. No matter how much you train, you can't lose fat if you aren't controlling your food intake (so you have a calorie deficit).