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a clients result picture


Incredible results from Naomi after 12-months of dedicated work that really paid off, well done! 


Great results with Peter it really did impress me with his determination to get this picture. trained hard in between sessions using my APP.



12 week transformation image


Great results after 12 weeks, 65 years old and trained hard and is now much stronger, fitter and got the shape she wanted!

8 week fat loss results


Great results after just 8 weeks with my online personal training app and nutrition plan.

5 week fat loss results photo


Great results in 5 just weeks, smashing it already less than halfway through the 12-week fat loss program 

A clients results from my coaching

Great results with Sarah , trained really hard whilst also using my nutrition advise and also using my online app for extra workouts between sessions


11 week results with ben, worked really hard and used my fitness pal every day using the input from the nutrition advise given by me, Also the online pt helped him to do workouts in between sessions with me. 


well done Larry seeing improvement after 4 months, trained hard and improved his nutrition, while using the app to do cardio sessions between sessions

5 month fat loss results image

Great results with Alvo after 5 months, worked hard and it pays off well done mate.


got these results with Luke after 6 months well done mate

4 month fat loss image

Well done to Jade got these great results after 4 months, Worked really hard with me and in her own sessions using my personal training app.  

3 months fat loss results photo

Well done to Kelly got these great results after 3 months of Pt sessions with me and in her own sessions using my personal training app. 

2 month fat loss results photo


Well done, he got these great results after 2 months of PT with me and his own sessions using my personal training app. 

pt result pic

2 month results with Geoff, trained hard and improved his nutrition using my help via nutrition guidance

3 months fat loss results photo


Put the work in and got these great results in 3 months!


got these results with lyndsey after 3 months, She had spinal stenosis so wasnt easy for her , but we got help and worked with GP, big well done 


4 months results with Teneeshia tried hard and improved her eating habits , well done 

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